Knorr Taste Quest Episode 2 - The Cat Fish Struggle

It was really a test of skills as the Knorr Taste Quest top 12 contestants started their first task. The secret ingredients for the task were Cat Fish (all live), Cocoyam and Carrot, and they all had to use these ingredients to make a starter and main dish. It was so hilarious watching the contestants trying to kill their fish, and it just made me realize that it’s not easy to kill cat fish o! Most times you just point and they kill it for you, but if you were to kill it yourself how would you do it. Another thing that got me thinking from the show is the COCOYAM!!
It’s been a while since I ate it. What about you? Most of the contestants made things I never considered cocoa yam can be used to make, e.g one of the contestants, Damilola made cocoa yam with white soup, and it looked so sumptuous! No wonder she won the task anyway. What creative dish can you make with cocoyam? Share them and let’s see whose own is the bedcalex

Knorr Taste Quest is still ongoing, you can catch it on TV on the following stations; Silverbird on Saturdays at 8.00pm, AIT on Sundays at 5.00pm, Galaxy on Sundays at 8.00pm, E-Stars (Startimes) on Sundays at 7.30pm and OnTV on Sundays at 6.30pm. You can also watch previous episodes by clicking on this link, For a chance to win prizes from the show go on to the facebook page, to find out how. See pictures of the Top 12 contestants below….