Once the doors of the Sistine Chapel latch and the conclave begins, the cardinals will spend almost all of their time inside praying and casting ballots, George told reporters Sunday after celebrating Mass at St. Bride Catholic Church in Chicago's South Shore neighborhood.
"The most important thing is to choose well, and we'll take the time necessary to do that," said George, who plans to leave Chicago for Rome two days before the pope's resignation takes effect.
Cardinals from around the world will meet informally starting March 1 to prepare for what will be George's second papal election. He also participated in the conclave in 2005, when Benedict was elected after the death of Pope John Paul II.
"You take the time needed to make a good decision," George said after Mass, standing near a framed photo of Benedict in the church. "We will go into conclave when collectively the cardinals decide that we have (had) the conversations necessary to make a good decision."
On Saturday, a Vatican spokesman suggested that the conclave could start earlier than March 15, the earliest date possible under current rules that require a 15- to 20-day window after the papacy becomes vacant. Benedict's last day is Feb. 28.
Vatican watchers point out that the window is intended to allow for travel and traditional rites in the event of a pope's death. But this time, cardinals will be choosing the successor for a pope who has resigned, eliminating the need for a funeral and mourning period.
"The cardinals, the people by law and realistically the ones closest to the pope, have that funeral to grieve. That's not an issue this time," said Rocco Palmo, the Philadelphia writer behind "Whispers in the Loggia," a website that covers the Catholic church hierarchy. "Even for the shock of the resignation, they've had more than two weeks notice."
Palmo said George's inclination not to rush "speaks to the sense I've heard from some that this is going to be a longer conclave than the last one because there's no clear-cut choice the way in retrospect there was in Ratzinger."
In order for the cardinals to meet earlier, Benedict must allow for an exception to the rule before he resigns.
But the Rev. Thomas Reese, senior fellow for the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, argued that if the pope changes the rules, conspiracy theorists would claim that he favors a particular candidate.
"Let's face it. The sooner the election, the better to the advantage to whoever happens to be the front-runner at the moment," Reese said.
He also argues that a rule change would place too much power in the hands of the cardinals who reside in Rome and would make it difficult for cardinals outside of Rome, especially in developing nations, to make a fully informed contribution.
While George said he doesn't want to rush the process, he hopes it's finished by Holy Week, the seven days leading up to and including Easter.
Indeed, Palmo said, a conclave starting March 15 could push the new pope's inauguration to Palm Sunday, when the liturgy calls on congregations to proclaim, "Crucify him," and "We have no king but Caesar," lines from the traditional story of Christ's Passion.
"It wouldn't mix with the inauguration of the pope," Palmo said with a chuckle.
Predicting how long the conclave might last is impossible, George said.
"You rely upon collective discernment, so you don't go in with your mind made up," he said. "You go in with indifference of mind and heart to try to discern, 'What does God want us to do?'( AFRICA EAGLE)