Well, Popular blogger Linda Ikeji published a story on Tuesday that had to do with Cossy (and her bóobs as usual) – the post generated loads of comments, but there was a remarkable one that may caught your attention.
One of the reader posted a comment that referenced Cossy’s role in almost breaking up her marriage.
She claimed that her marriage was threatened “due to the huge size of Cossy Orjiakor’s chest and her husband’s inordinate obsession with the “agent of darkness” breasts.”
The comment was posted by one Alice Okite.
“This lady again..a woman that nearly ruined my marriage..my husband became addicted to her bóobs and insisted I should enlarge my bóobs after putting birth to four children, including him that has been sucking the breast…he left home for a month just because I didn’t enlarge. tank God for my parents and pastors that talked sense into him. he is back to his senses. Cossy u are an agent of darkness.”