PlayStation 4 Release by Sony [PHOTO]

Recently Sony announced the next generation game console. The PlayStation 4 (PS4)
We have all waited long enough for the release of the console, now finally it’s out. As we all have experience the wonderful graphics
of PlayStation 3 compare to PlayStation 2 but now the play station 4 as a graphics more real and even a bit higher than the so called HD display.
The PlayStation 4 is a game console full of different features both the physical and internal part of the console.
Features and Images
Hardware and Specs: PlayStation 4 as a PC-like architecture with an x86 processor, 8gig DDR5 memory, internal hard-drive

The controller is a new piece of hardware with as a headphone jack

The console is full of new features, including the built-in 3D camera detects the player using the aforementioned light bars

Game lovers will be happy with this new..if you have any question about the new ps4,feel free to ask by dropping your comment.