I have sat down a couple of times and thought of why white phones should cost more than black phones of the same brand and model. I haven't come up with any logical conclusion so I decided to write a post on it and seek people's opinion on this Issue. Lets take Iphone 4s as case study :

These two phones, have the same storage capacities, same specifications, same thickness and size yet the white is more expensive than the black. So i ask again why is the white more expensive than the black? why is blackberry bold 5 white sold for 72 thousand naira and the white sold for 75 thousand naira? why is white iphone 4s sold for $99 and black iphone 4s sold for $95? The list of other white phones that cost much more their the black ones are endless. There is only one reason i can find here and that is racism. It is only because the producers of these phones who are whites feel that anything that is white is superior and therefore should be more expensive than the black which they consider inferior even though both phones have the same specifications and capabilities. Black phones of any particular phone model is released into the market earlier than the white ones. Why should we continue to support this and buy white phones that are not even better than the black ones in terms of the specification of any phone model. We are fighting against racism yet we promote it without knowing it. My opinion is phones of the same model should be of the same price, irrespective of the phone color. What is your take on this?