Award winning 37 year old Hollywood Actress Angelina Jolie on the cover of Time Magazine with a black and white profile shot, with the big question:
'what will the "Angelina Effect" be on other women?
Angelina recently revealed that she went through a double mastectomy and this revelation has put genetic testing, in the spotlight. Her fiancee Brad Pitt who she said stood by her called he "Heroic" and a lot of women has started seeing her as an inspiration in risk taking when it comes to surgeries.
However, Time also questions the "young science" of genetic screening, which prompted Jolie's surgery (and her plan to have her ovaries removed next).
"Human beings are very good at worrying - it's what keeps us alive and out of harm's way. But we're also good at over-worrying," the article states.
Often times, this can be counter-productive, and result in us "making irreversible decisions to reduce or avoid risks that don't really exist at all."
"Jolie's brave example can make us all smarter and keep us all healthier," the publication acknowledges, "But only if we take the right lessons from it."
- See more at: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2013/05/angelina-jolie-time-cover-will-actress-transform-womens-health/#sthash.v4NwGAAP.dpuf